Program Tuition
3 day Preschool
School Age After care
Summer program
*Financial Information
Monthly tuition is determined by calculating the number of days your child is scheduled to be present, multiplying that by the daily rate and dividing by nine. This results in nine equal payments (August through April). The non-refundable enrollment fee plus one half of the tuition will be invoiced upon completion of the registration form and is required to hold your child(ren)’s spot. Tuition is due the 1st of each month (with the first month’s tuition only drafted at one half the amount as half was paid at enrollment time) and will be automatically drafted on the first of each month (from the credit, debit, or ACH you provide to your account). We request that families consider using the ACH option to help the Day School save money and be able to use funds for other supplies and activities. In the case of a failed payment, both administrators and guardian will receive notification via e-mail. There will be a late fee attached to your account. Missed days are not refundable.